How to Change or Reset the Password for a Facebook Account

If you haven't used Facebook accounts for a long time, then there is a possibility that you will forget your login password, or you just have to
How to Change or Reset the Password for a Facebook Account

If you haven't used Facebook accounts for a long time, then there is a possibility that you will forget your login password, or you just have to update the password to make sure that your account is not hacked by the hackers. It is recommended to update your password to prevent hacking of your account. Changing the password periodically can make your account secure.

You may have two scenarios: first, that you want to reset your password, you forgot it, or, secondly, that you only need to update it.

According to some social media website, the password should be long and easy to remember and hard for others to guess. So keep in mind before creating a password, it should be long and hard to guess.

If you didn't get the idea about the password, and don't make your brain think. So you can use this website called Lastpass which will help you to create a password and also manage it.

If you forget the password again and again, then you can use this website. So that the next time you ever forget the password, then you do not have to find it anywhere. It is a trusted website and app. You can check it out, review here, and if you want to create an account, click the link given below.

Let's jump into the tutorial.

How to Reset Facebook Password (PC)

If you have forgotten your password and want to change it with a new one. So here are the steps to reset

1) Open any browser from the desktop. Search for Facebook in google. Click on the first result on Google.

2) Click on the forgotten password? From the login page form.


3) Enter your phone number or Email Address.

Email or Mobile

4) After entering the number, you will see such options such as, confirm via email, use my google account, choose the from options and click on continue.

Send Code

5) After this, you will receive a verification code for your selected option. Enter the verification code into the verification code field.

Verification Code

6) Enter your new password and then click on Continue.

Choose New Password

After this, your password will be changed.

How to Reset Facebook Password on Android and iOS (iPhone)

1) Open the Facebook app from the app drawer.

Three Stacked Lines

2) At the bottom of the email and password fields, click Forgotten Password?

Forgetten Password?

Find Your Account

3) Enter email address, phone number, username, or name that is associated with Facebook in the search box.

4) Select from email confirmation and SMS confirmation. Tap to continue after choosing your preferred option.

Send Code

5) After that, you will see the verification code field. Find the verification code using the method you chose.

Enter Verification Code

6) Click on continue after entering the code.

7) Enter your new password and then click on continue.

New Password

If you follow these steps, your Facebook password will be reset, and now you will be able to login easily.

How to change Facebook Password (PC)

1) Go to

2) Click on the Drop Down icon from the top right corner.

Drop Down Menu

3) From the drop-down icon options, click on settings and privacy from that again, click on the settings option.

Settings & Privacy

4) Click Security and login settings in the sidebar of Settings.

Security option

5) Under the Login tab, click on Change Password.

Change Password

6) Put in your current password. Type your new password twice and click on save changes.

Retype Password New

How to Change Facebook Password Android and iOS (iPhone)

1) Open Facebook App.

2) Tap on three stacked horizontal lines from the top right corner of the app.

Three Stacked Line Menu

3) Scroll down and click on Settings and Privacy.

Settings & Privacy

4) From the Settings & Privacy option, tap settings.

Settings Option

5) From the Account tab, tap on Password and Security.

Password and Security

6) Put in your current password. Type your new password twice and click on Update password.

New Password

So That's it! I hope you're able to change or reset your Facebook password. If not, you can comment down your query in the comment section.


1) How to Recover Facebook Password without a confirmation code?

Ans. To recover Facebook password without confirmation, choose use my google account option from choose via email, choose via SMS. After choosing the option, click on continue and then enter your new password to change the old one.

2) How to Reset Facebook Password if I forget it?

Ans. To Reset Facebook password in both the devices, follow the tutorial below.

PC: Facebook > Forgotten Password? > Choose Verification Option > Enter your New Password.

Mobile: Open Facebook > Forgotten Password? > Choose the Verification option > Enter your New Password.

3) How to Reset Facebook Password without Email? 

Ans. If your email doesn't connect with Facebook, you can enter a phone number instead of email to change it.

4) How to Reset Facebook Password without Phone Number?

Ans. If your phone is not associated with Facebook, you can enter an email address instead of that to change it.